First Lady
Independent Agent
Collaboration Manager
The Silbernagel Group, Inc. Real Wealth® Advisors
Real Wealth Tax & Accounting, LLC
Real Wealth Insurance
Real Wealth® Media
Joanne promotes good relationships between our family of businesses and cultivates those with clients. She is involved in many administrative projects, attends professional conferences for the companies, and assists in finding qualified speakers for the Real Wealth® Weekly podcast program. Joanne has been an Insurance Agent for over 25 years, holding Life, Health, and Property/Casualty Licenses. As an active NAIFA Member, Joanne is constantly developing new ideas to bring to The Silbernagel Group, Inc.
When she’s not at the office, Joanne gives private guitar, piano, and ukulele lessons to all ages, and is involved in her local church and school music programs. She dedicates Wednesday nights and periodic Saturdays for practice and performances with her Ukerazy bandmates, consisting of her sister Mary, daughter Angela, and some friends.